Introduction into this documentation with the safety introductions

The purpose of the documentation "Safety instructions on working with the IDE" is to provide the user with the necessary information about the intended usage of Neuron Power Engineer for developing safety-relevant applications and →libraries for them. The user must follow the instructions of this manual to grant the compliance of the system with the requirements of the following standards:

  • "IEC 61508:2010"

  • "ISO 26262:2018"

The documentation "Safety instructions on working with the IDE" is part of the Neuron Power Engineer product package. It is essential to read this documentation with the safety instructions before creating a safety-relevant application and libraries for them.

Warning 1

When using the documentation "Safety instructions on working with the IDE", it is imperative to consult the safety manuals for the respective target platform and the respective safety →PLC as well.
Observe the following concerning these applicable safety manuals:

  • The safety manual for the target platform when using Neuron Power Engineer version 3.23.2 to create safety-relevant applications and/or libraries for them is the documentation "logi.µSRTS safety manual" .
    This document is provided by Neuron to the system integrator.  The system integrator might have adapted this document for application when using the system integrator's safety PLC.

  • The safety manual for the safety PLC is provided by the system integrator. 
    This document is not part of the scope of the documentation "Safety instructions on working with the IDE"

This means: When using Neuron Power Engineer version 3.23.2 to create safety-relevant applications and/or →libraries for them, also follow all instructions of "logi.µSRTS safety manual" and the safety manual for the safety PLC. Contact the system integrator to obtain both documents.

ty manual must contain the information that the user must also consult the safety manual(s) of the target platform.

Scope of the documentation "Safety instructions on working with the IDE"

The documentation "Safety instructions on working with the IDE" is valid for Neuron Power Engineer version 3.23.2 incl. possibly existing patch versions. 

Note 1

Information on the releases of Neuron Power Engineer as well as on known problems/restrictions are provided under:


Note 2

The documentation "Safety instructions on working with the IDE" contains references to the user documentation of

 Neuron Power Engineer in the following forms:

  1. "See Neuron Power Engineer user documentation" – After this text, a title of the relevant article is specified. 

  2. "Page:" – After this text, a title of the relevant article is specified.

Depending on the provided format of this documentation, the title might be a link to the English Neuron Power Engineer user documentation In this case, these links will be directing you to the latest version of the Neuron Power Engineer user documentation. From this latest version, switch to the Neuron Power Engineer version that you are using (as specified in the following).

(info) How to confirm the used Neuron Power Engineer version and to switch to this version for the Neuron Power Engineer user documentation:

  1. Clarify which Neuron Power Engineer version you are using: In Neuron Power Engineer, select the menu Help and the command About Neuron Power Engineer
    Result: The dialog displays the version of Neuron Power Engineer.

  2. Follow a link to the Neuron Power Engineer user documentation (as they are specified in this sdocumentationction).
    If you are using a printout of this documentation, go to, change the language to "English" and then search for the title of the article (as they are specified in this documentation).

  3. Click onto the version picker (provided on top of the left table of contents).

    Version picker for documentation
    Version picker for documentation

  4. Select the respective version in the provided list.
    Result: This version of the article is displayed (instead of the latest version).

Typographical conventions

The following conventions are applied within this documentation "Safety instructions on working with the IDE" in the interest of improving readability:


names of commands, buttons etc. within the product and/or emphasizing important text passages
Example: menu File, button Finish


variable information in a term
Example: Vx.y.z – x.y.z is the appropriate version number.


files/folders, user input or output of the product
Example: the output message Could not connect


reference to a glossary item listed in the Neuron Power Engineer user documentation, "Glossary"
Example: →SIL-test
Usually, the reference is given at the first occurrence of the term within an article and/or where the term is vital. 


literature reference listed in the section "References and standards" of this manual
Example: "IEC 61131-3:2013"

Conventions of specific instructions

The documentation "Safety instructions on working with the IDE" includes specific instructions that must be followed if you are using the product. 

You will find these instructions, if your actions might produce hazards, hazardous situations, hazardous or harmful events or dangerous failures. Follow/fulfill the instructions/measures specified by the instructions for the personal safety of yourself and other persons and for avoiding damage to property.

The instructions are emphasized by icons and are presented as follows:





This icon highlights an important warning or an important note. The icon is used within the reference text and indicates that there is an important warning box or an important note box following.



This icon highlights a piece of information that you should know.


Warning <number>

This is a warning box.
Warnings include important instructions/measures for fault prevention and/or detection. These warnings are imperative!

Note <number>

This is a note box.
You must observe such notes. There might be other instructions/measures for fault avoidance and/or detection, e.g., by the components of the product or a subsequent message indicating the problem.